0800 077 6187
Easy half day session
Just one £329 payment
No vapes, pills or patches
Victory…it’s yours!
It’s 10pm. Another jubilant
day has passed and not once
did you think about your old
friend, the cigarette.
Instead, you just focused on
living your life, navigating work,
enjoying family time and
dealing with challenges.
You are fully in control.
After years of ‘knowing’ you
couldn’t quit, you’ve now done
so. In the end, it was quick and
it was easy. You didn’t need
patches or replacements. And
you know it’s real because now,
when you see smokers, you
don’t feel envy, you feel pity.
You’ve kicked your dependency
and you are now a happy non
smoker for good.
Anthony Hopkins
“Allen Carr has the
route map out of
the maze.”
Are you ready to try this
remarkable method of stopping
Or chat to
us live on
You can be like
these ex smokers
Michael McIntyre
“I’d recommend
Allen Carr to
I highly recommend this
I highly recommend this, I
have not touched a
cigarette for 9 years now.
Sarah, Clinic client
Richard Branson
“It worked for many
of my friends and
It certainly worked for us
Highly recommend this
workshop. Myself and a
friend attended 8 years ago
and neither have smoked
since. it certainly worked
for us.
Tracey, Clinic Client
This was the one that worked
for me
I fully recommend this as
on 21st September I
celebrate a year smoke
free since attending the
course at the Hotel de
France. Having tried many
other ways, this was the
one which worked for me.
David, Clinic Client
No need to gain
No awful withdrawal
No potions, patches
or pills
© Easyway Yorkshire 2023
also works for vaping
A One to One session can
also be booked, or a private
session of up to 5 people.
These sessions cost £1495
and can be booked by calling
us on 0800 077 6187.
Live IN-PERSON 1pm - £329
Sun Apr 6, Manc
Sun Feb 23, Manc
Sun Mar 16, Wakefield
Sun Apr 27, Wakefield
Sun Feb 23, Manc